There will be 18 cables installed in the PM54
The coffee area in the SDX5 will probably be impacted: Action 1: Spie to clarify their use of this space and the surrounding area?
The staircase interlock will have to be modified/disabled: Action 2: contact GS-AIS to investigate alternatives (card reader) D.Hay.
The start date of the power cuts has been brought forward to 19/03.
During the cables installation in the PM54 the use of the shaft for transport purposes has to be assessed: Action 3: Spie + E.Dugue.
Action 4: Erect a scaffolding in the head shaft region. Action 5: MAF to organise and supervise this activity (MADA).
Action 6: Maf to organise and supervise the modification of metallic structures in USC555 in readiness for the installation of the EXD2/55 switchboard.
Action 7: Review and agree the method to transport and deliver parts to the USC55 safe rooms. E.Dugue & N.Dos Santos.
Action 8: Finds a suitable location to store the 500kg columns ahead of the intervention: E.Dugue + T.Bourrel
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