WPA meeting for the intsllation of cables: CMS UPS upgrade project

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room (CERN)

530/R-030 - BE-EA Conference Room


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Hay David, Martin Gastal
This meeting is designed to assess and review the risks associated with the installation of the UPS upgrade cables which is programmed during LS1.
ACT 01846
LS1 UPS planning extract
  • David Hay
  • David Robert Di Lazzaro
  • Eric Dugue
  • Maf Alidra
  • Magnus Hansen
  • Martin Gastal
  • Michel Arnaud
  • Nuno Dos Santos
  • Sergei Lusin

  1. There will be 18 cables installed in the PM54
  2. The coffee area in the SDX5 will probably be impacted: Action 1: Spie to clarify their use of this space and the surrounding area?
  3. The staircase interlock will have to be modified/disabled: Action 2: contact GS-AIS to investigate alternatives (card reader) D.Hay.
  4. The start date of the power cuts has been brought forward to 19/03.
  5. During the cables installation in the PM54 the use of the shaft for transport purposes has to be assessed: Action 3: Spie + E.Dugue.
  6. Action 4: Erect a scaffolding in the head shaft region. Action 5:  MAF to organise and supervise this activity (MADA).
  7. Action 6: Maf to organise and supervise the modification of metallic structures in USC555 in readiness for the installation of the EXD2/55 switchboard.
  8. Action 7: Review and agree the method to transport and deliver parts to the USC55 safe rooms. E.Dugue & N.Dos Santos.
  9. Action 8: Finds a suitable location to store the 500kg columns ahead of the intervention: E.Dugue + T.Bourrel
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • UPS installation
      Convener: Nuno Dos Santos (CERN)
      Cable installation procedure
      Fiche de tache