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DPHEP Implementation Board

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Draft Minutes
    • 15:30 15:40
      Report from ICFA meeting 10m
    • 15:40 15:50
      Status of RDA WG on Preservation 10m
      Case Statement
    • 15:50 16:10
      Preparations for up-coming DPHEP/DASPOS workshop 20m
      Draft Presentation Outline
      Workshop home page
    • 16:10 16:30
      Planning for the following DPHEP event: possible dates, locations, topics 20m
      September - December is a busy period with quite a few conferences already scheduled. (iPRES, CHEP, PV, a likely RDA event, EUDAT? etc.)

      We should try and identify potential slots as early as possible.

      • 2nd half of September?
      • Weekend prior to CHEP in Amsterdam?
      • During CHEP? i.e. Wed and Fri afternoons
        • This would require people to pay the FULL conference fee for CHEP.
        • Friday afternoon could probably be "free", particularly if no lunch is required.
        • We would most likely re-locate to NIKHEF/SARA (a tram+bus journey from the CHEP location).
      • Mid November?
      • Early December?

      Candidate locations?

      Proposal: use the two free afternoons at CHEP (Wednesday and Friday) to minimize travel.

    • 16:30 17:30
      Review of "action list" (table 8 in DPHEP Blueprint) 1h
    • 17:30 17:50
      Papers for PV 2013? 20m
      March 21 is the deadline for submitting abstracts
      PV Welcome page
    • 17:50 18:00
      Date for next meeting & AOB 10m
      • April 9 clashes with WLCG MB
      • April 23 / 30 don't clash? Good to include report from HEPiX?