24–26 Apr 2013
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics
Europe/London timezone

Discovering Walking Technicolor at LHC and on the Lattice

24 Apr 2013, 09:30
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics

School of Physics and Astronomy University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JZ United Kingdom


K Yamawaki


Walking technicolor having large anomalous dimension near unity and approximate scale symmetry predicts a light composite pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of the approximate scale symmetry, Technidilaton, which can be identified with the 125 GeV boson discovered at LHC. I will describe how such a weakly coupled light composite scalar can be dynamically realized in the strongly coupled dynamics, and can be fit to the current data in all exclusive channels observed at LHC, based on the ladder-like computation and holographic one. I will also discuss some lattice results performed at our lattice collaboration (LatKMI Collaboration) on some hints of the walking technicolor and a light composite scalar.

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