For a cicular e+e- colliding beam storage ring to serve as a Higgs Factory its single beam energy has to be significantly higher than the 100 GeV LEP energy. At such high energies, as Telnov has pointed out, beamstrahlung limits the performance. A beam-beam simulation program calculates the achievable luminosity for bend radii ranging up to four times the LEP/LHC ring radius for single-beam energies from 100 to 300 GeV with up to 4 collision points and, where useful, multiple bunches. Beamstrahlung is always arranged to cause acceptably small beam attenuation. Topping-off injection is essential. The ability to obtain the required vertical beam emittance has already been exhibited at LEP. The calculation shows that luminosities (summed over IP's) in excess of 10^{34} /cm^2/s can be expected over the energy range from 200 to 400 GeV in the center of mass. At 250 GeV about 400 Higgs particles can be produced per day.
Coffee / tea will be served after the seminar
ATS Seminars Organisers:
H. Burkhardt (BE) T. Stora (EN), G. De Rijk (TE)