Thierry Stora
About 50% of the 1.4GeV CERN’s protons are sent onto targets to produce radioactive beams by online mass separation at ISOLDE, for a wide range of studies. As reported at the last Isolde users workshop, CERN-MEDICIS is a spin-off dedicated specifically to R&D in life sciences and medical applications. It is located in an extension of the Class A building presently under construction. It will comprise laboratories to receive the irradiated targets from a new station located at the dump position behind the ISOLDE production targets. An increasing range of innovative isotopes will thus progressively become accessible from the start-up of the facility in 2015 onward, for fundamental studies in cancer research, for new imaging and therapy protocols in cell and animal models, and possibly extended to specific pre-clinical studies. 500MBq isotope batches purified by electromagnetic mass separation combined with chemical methods will be collected on a weekly basis. Progresses witnessed since the last workshop will be reported here, with a milestone met with civil-engineering-related activities started already this summer and a groundbreaking ceremony that took place in September. The scientific scope has also been further elaborated. Finally, future upgrades and links to facilities where GBq pharmaceutical-grade (i.e., cGMP) batches can be produced will also be reported.
Thierry Stora