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25–27 Nov 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

Current status of the laser ion source development at RISP

25 Nov 2013, 18:10
1h 20m
The Globe (CERN)

The Globe



Jin Woo Yoon (RISP, Institute for Basic Science)


Development of the hot-cavity laser ion source is planned for the RISP ISOL facility to obtain pure ion beam. Recently, the laser system has been installed, and now the off-line test chamber is being designed. The laser system is composed of four tunable Ti:sapphire lasers (light sources for ionization), and one high power Nd:YAG laser (pump source of Ti:sapphire crystals). In the RISP ISOL facility, Be, Al, Ni, and Sn are planned to be ionized by laser ion source, and Ti:sapphire laser has been known to be available for the ionization of these elements. This presentation will show the plans and the status of the construction of the laser ion source in the RISP ISOL facility.


Jin Woo Yoon (RISP, Institute for Basic Science)

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