25–27 Nov 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

Versatile Ion-polarized Techniques Online (VITO) at ISOLDE

27 Nov 2013, 12:30
The Globe (CERN)

The Globe


Submitted Applications II


Monika Stachura (CERN)


The planned upgrade of the RB0 line at ISOLDE, currently hosting the ASPIC apparatus, will be presented. The newly designed UHV beam line – reborn as the VITO experiment – will have three end stations allowing for carrying out versatile and multidisciplinary experiments: the ASPIC end station, the β -NMR end station and at a later stage an open station for traveling experiments. The major enhancement of the new line will be the introduction of laser-based nuclear spin polarization of the isotope beams, which will allow for establishing laser and β-NMR spectroscopies in a wide range of sample environments realized in all end-stations. The new project has been positively evaluated by the INCC committee and the work on the beam line has started. The scientific program presented the INTC committee in Summer 2013 has been endorsed.



Dr Alexander Gottberg (CERN / CENBG / CSIC) Karl Johnston (Universitaet des Saarlandes (DE)) Dr Magdalena Kowalska (CERN) Dr Manfred Deicher (Universität des Saarlandes)

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