25–27 Nov 2013
Europe/Zurich timezone

Isotope Separation On-Line facility for the Rare Isotope Science Project in Korea

25 Nov 2013, 18:10
1h 20m
The Globe (CERN)

The Globe



Y.K. Kim (RISP, Institute for Basic Science)


Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) aims to construct world-class Rare Isotope Facility named “RAON” consisting of both Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) and In-flight Fragment (IF) facilities. The main goal of the ISOL facility is to deliver high quality intense neutron-rich beams to the experimental hall with a beam intensity of ~105–109 particles/sec in the mass range of 80 < A < 160, using high power (>10 kW) direct fission target. Ion sources coupled with the fission target, such as a FEBIAD, a surface ionization, and a resonance ionization Laser ion sources, are being developed so as to produce various element ions. The ISOL facility consists of a RF-Cooler, a High Resolution Mass Separator (HRMS), charge breeders (ECR and EBIS types), and a charge state separator (A/q separator) for the beam purification. A current status of design of the ISOL facility for RISP is briefly introduced with an overview of RAON.


K. Tshoo (RISP, Institute for Basic Science, Korea)

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