Stephanie Roccia
(CSNSM Universite Paris Sud IN2P3 CNRS)
Low temperature on-line nuclear orientation is a technique dedicated to the study of the decay of polarized exotic nuclei. A He3-He4 dilution refrigerator provides very low temperature (~10 mK) allowing nuclei to reach a large degree of polarization in the hyperfine field which exists at nuclei implanted into a ferromagnetic metal host. The decay products can be observed using proton, alpha or beta-particle detectors fitted within the cryostat and/or external gamma or neutron detectors, providing a very versatile instrument.
Oriented nuclei give access to a wide range of experiments. These include a precise measurement of nuclear moments using the NMR technique and the observation of beta-decay to, and gamma emission from, excited states in the daughter nucleus to study aspects of nuclear structure. As a special feature of LTNO, far-reaching studies of fundamental weak interactions and associated symmetries can be made as well as investigations into parity nonconservation.
The worldwide situation is that the only existing on-line system is the NICOLE experiment at ISOLDE/CERN. Another is being installed at ALTO: PolarEx. A common physics program is being built based on the complementarity of the two installations. We will present the most recent result obtained at ISOLDE with NICOLE, namely the measurement of the magnetic moment of 49Sc [Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) 032504] and will outline new proposals, in particular the study of beta-delayed neutrons from oriented 137,139I and 87,89Br.
The current status of the program at ALTO will be reported.
Stephanie Roccia
(CSNSM Universite Paris Sud IN2P3 CNRS)
Asentah Etile
Carole Valerie Gaulard
(Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM))
David Verney
Gary Simpson
Georges Audi
(Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de Spectrometrie de Masse (CSNSM))
Jirina Stone
(University of Oxford (GB))
Jovana Nikolov
(University of Novi Sad (RS))
Michael Stone
Miroslav Veskovic
(University of Novi Sad (RS))
Philip Walker
(University of Surrey)
Robert Grzywacz
Takashi Ohtsubo
(Niigata University)
Ulli Koester
(Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin (FR))