Medium towards Heavy Nuclei II
- Gerhard Huber (Uni Mainz)
Kieran Flanagan
(University of Manchester (GB))
27/11/2013, 16:20
High-resolution optical measurements of unstable atoms provides some of the most fundamental nuclear properties: spin, nuclear moments, mean-square charge radii. The simple fact that an observation of an optical resonance has been made, confirms the existence of a new nuclide or long-lived nuclear state. By performing systematic measurements across isotope chains it is possible to elucidate...
Stephanie Roccia
(CSNSM Universite Paris Sud IN2P3 CNRS)
27/11/2013, 16:50
Low temperature on-line nuclear orientation is a technique dedicated to the study of the decay of polarized exotic nuclei. A He3-He4 dilution refrigerator provides very low temperature (~10 mK) allowing nuclei to reach a large degree of polarization in the hyperfine field which exists at nuclei implanted into a ferromagnetic metal host. The decay products can be observed using proton, alpha or...
Ivan Budincevic
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
27/11/2013, 17:10
The physics results on the neutron rich 218m,219,229,231Fr isotopes from the Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experimental run in October 2012 at ISOLDE, will be presented. These isotopes are located on the borders of the actinide region in which nuclei are known to posses reflection asymmetric shapes. 218g,219Fr have previously been interpreted as octupole vibrational...