Structure Light Nuclei
- Bjorn Jonson (Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Riccardo Raabe
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, K.U.Leuven)
25/11/2013, 13:40
Spectroscopic factors provide unique information on the structure of nuclei, and can be probed by direct reactions. Medium-energy knock-out reactions were the first direct reactions to be applied to the study of exotic nuclei about ten years ago. More recently the availability of post-accelerated ISOL beams has allowed the use of transfer reactions at various facilities like GANIL, TRIUMF,...
Marek Leslaw Pfutzner
(University of Warsaw (PL))
25/11/2013, 14:10
The Optical TPC detector has been developed to study the very rare and exotic decays with emission of charged particles.
The primary goal was to study in detail the 2p radioactivity, but the device was proven successful also in the beta-delayed particle spectroscopy. In the talk, the main results obtained for beta-delayed proton emission and for 2p radioactivity in the region of the doubly...
R. Lica
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
25/11/2013, 14:40
The results of the IS530 experiment at ISOLDE revealed new information concerning several nuclei close to the N~20 'Island of Inversion' – 34Mg, 34Al, 34Si. The half-life of 34Mg was found to be three times larger than the adopted value (63(1) ms instead of 20(10) ms). The beta-gamma spectroscopy of 34Mg performed in this experiment for the first time led to the first experimental level scheme...
Gunvor Thinggaard Koldste
(Aarhus University (DK))
25/11/2013, 15:00
The beta-delayed three-proton decay has so far only been observed in two nuclei: 45Fe [1] and 43Cr [2,3]. Pfützner et al. [4] recently discovered it from 31Ar and it has also been observed now in the analysis of the 31Ar decay-experiment IS476. The IS476 experiment gives the unique possibility to not just identify the decay, but to do spectroscopy on it. This is due to the good energy and...
Javier Menendez
(TU Darmstadt / EMMI)
25/11/2013, 15:20
Calcium isotopes are ideal to explore the evolution of the nuclear shell structure from stability to the neutron-rich extremes, which have very recently become experimentally available.
From a theoretical point of view, calcium isotopes are also the frontier for calculations consistently including nucleon-nucleon (NN), and three-nucleon (3N) forces. In the framework given by
Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
25/11/2013, 15:40
A program of bunched beam collinear laser spectroscopy at the COLLAPS beam line has recently focussed on the nuclear structure evolution around N = 32, in neutron rich K [1,2], Mn [3] and Ca [4] isotopes. The current results obtained from optical detection of calcium isotopes will be presented, in which hyperfine structures and isotope shifts were measured for the first time in 49,51,52Ca....