Medium towards Heavy Nuclei I
Peter Butler
(University of Liverpool (GB))
27/11/2013, 14:00
In this talk I will describe how recent experiments carried out at REX-ISOLDE at CERN have found new examples of reflection asymmetry in heavy nuclei. I will discuss how the new measurements are constraining nuclear theory and how they can contribute to tests of extensions of the Standard Model.
Lorenz Willmann
(University of Groningen/ NL)
27/11/2013, 14:30
Searches for violations of the fundamental discrete symmetries parity (P), time reversal (T) and charge conjugation (C) are of outmost importance for the model building in physics and looking beyond the Standard Model of the electroweak interactions (SM). Permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) are particularly sensitive probes to look for minute violations with a robust discovery potential....
Simone Bottoni
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT) & KU Leuven (B))
27/11/2013, 15:00
We report on an exploratory experiment performed with MINIBALL coupled to T-REX [1-2], to investigate neutron-rich Sr and Y nuclei around mass A = 100, by cluster transfer reactions of neutron-rich 98Rb/98Sr beams on a 7Li target. The aim of the experiment was on one hand to perform a gamma-spectroscopy study by transfer reactions of
neutron-rich Sr and Y nuclei beyond N=60 populated, so far,...
Malin Linnea Klintefjord
(University of Oslo (NO))
27/11/2013, 15:20
The open-shell nuclei with Z>50 and N<82 are known to have some of the largest ground- state deformations in the nuclear chart. The shape of the nuclei in this region are expected to be prolate, except for a small island of nuclei with Z>62 and N≈78, which are predicted to be oblate. Nuclei near 140Sm are therefore expected to be located in a transitional region between deformed and spherical...
Dinko Atanasov
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics (DE))
27/11/2013, 15:40
The ISOLDE Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP has constantly been subject to state-of-the-art upgrades pertaining to one of the world’s leading Penning-trap mass spectrometers. The current setup of ISOLTRAP consists of four ion traps [1]. The linear segmented radio-frequency quadrupole is used for ion-beam accumulation, cooling and bunching. Afterwards, the ion bunch is transferred to a...