2–8 Feb 2014
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

Light meson production in nucleon-nucleon reactions

4 Feb 2014, 18:00
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Hotel Marsal Bjelasnica Mountain Olympic Ski Center 71220 Trnovo Sarajevo Bosnia-Herzegovina


Khaled Teilab (Frankfurt U)


We study the production of mesons in nucleon-nucleon reactions at center-of-mass momenta of a few GeV using an $N_f=2$ linear sigma model, extended by including the $N_f=2$ multiplets of (pseudo-) scalar and (axial-) vector mesons and a doublet of the nucleon together with its chiral partner (the $N^*(1535)$ or $N^*(1650)$ resonance).


Khaled Teilab (Frankfurt U)

Presentation materials