2–8 Feb 2014
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

Hadron dynamics with vector mesons: matching theory and experiment to identify new resonances and their nature

3 Feb 2014, 09:30
Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo

Hotel Marsal Bjelasnica Mountain Olympic Ski Center 71220 Trnovo Sarajevo Bosnia-Herzegovina


Eulogio Oset


In this talk I shall address chiral dynamics and its extension to the vector sector with the local hidden gauge approach. I shall show how some resonances are dynamically generated in the approach from meson meson and meson baryon interactions. Then will address two very recent reactions, gamma p -> K^0 Sigma^+ , with its peculiar energy dependence close to the K^* Lambda threshold, from where we deduce evidence of one of the baryon resonances predicited before, around 2030 MeV. Then I shall address the J/psi - > eta K^* K^*bar from where we find evidence of a h_1 resonance around 1830 MeV, also predicted from the vector vector interaction. Some short review of the status of the molecular states in the charm and beauty sectors will follow.


Presentation materials