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LHCOPN and LHCONE joint meeting - Pasadena (US)

Caltech Pasadena

Caltech Pasadena

Venue: Caltech - Pasadena US
           The meeting will take place at the Hameetman Auditorium in the Cahill astronomy building, indicated as nr 17 on the map
We'll go for lunch in the Cafeteria (building nr 52 on the map), which serves a nicely diverse set of menus.

We have a small block of rooms reserved at $155 per night at the Sheraton in Pasadena.
These are Club level rooms, which include breakfast, and drinks & appetizers in the evening.  
Also, they include use of the lounge area and High Speed Internet.  
Sheraton has a complementary shuttle to Caltech.
In order to get a reservation number, please contact Norma Chavez (norma at hep caltech edu), and use this to reserve the room directly with Sheraton.

Other possibilities: Hilton Pasadena. Also, The Saga Motel and
Vagabond Inn Executive are in relative walking distance (~20min).

Workshop Dinner: TBA

Video Conference: on SeeVogh R.N. and EVO International.
                              Users not registered in any of the above can use the guest link. Please
                              send an e-mail to the organizers (artur barczyk at cern ch) if you need 
                              to use this option, as the number of guest places is limited.

Audio Bridge: ID: 671 9045  
more information
  • Tuesday 3 December
    • 09:30
      LHCOPN meeting start
    • 1
      Welcome and Housekeeping
    • 2
      Caltech welcome and update
      Speaker: Harvey Newman (California Institute of Technology (US))
    • 3
      LHCOPN News
    • 4
      KISTI update
    • 5
      KIAE update
    • 6
      LHCOPN/ONE Security
      Speaker: Mr Romain Wartel (CERN)
    • 7
      Computing Model Evolution
      Speaker: Ian Fisk (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
    • 11:30
      Lunch break Chandler Cafeteria

      Chandler Cafeteria

    • 8
      LHCOPN evolution
      - open to major T2s? - LHCONE p2p as infrastructure provider?
      Speaker: Edoardo Martelli (CERN)

      Should the LHCOPN be opened to the major Tier2s with a connection to CERN?
      The general opinion was: No.

      A workshop with the experiments and the WLCG management will be held in February to decide on overall strategy for WLCG netowrking in general.


    • 13:30
      LHCONE meeting start
    • 9
    • 10
      Report from SC2013
      Speaker: Azher Mughal
    • 11
      Status of the L3VPN service
      Speaker: Mian Usman
    • 12
      L3VPN service operations
      what happened since last meeting what is upcoming what is necessary to do
      Speaker: Michael O'Connor
    • 14:45
      Coffee break
    • 13
      ANA-100G LHCONE test VRF
      Speaker: Mian Usman
    • 17:30
      Meeting end for the day
  • Wednesday 4 December
    • 09:00
      Meeting start
    • 14
      Organization of next meetings, workshops and conf calls

      Workshop: future of LHC netwoking 10-11 February at CERN
      Next LHCOPN/ONE meeting 28-29 April in Rome (INFN/GARR)

      LHCONE Operation conf call every month, chaired by Mike O'Connor
      LHCONE Archiecture conf call every second week, chaired by Bill Johnston, Artur backup.

    • 15
      BoD and Multi Domain VPN service status in GEANT
      Speaker: Brian Mortensen (NORDUnet)
    • 16
      NORDUnet+SURFNet update
      Speaker: Lars Fischer (NORDUnet)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 17
      LHCONE P2P Service Prototype: Presentation and Discussion
      Speaker: William (Bill) Johnston (ESnet)
      European LHC NSI project
      Service Meeting notes
      VRF Map
    • 18
      Meeting Wrap-up
    • 12:45
    • 19
      Extra time for discussion
    • 15:00
      meeting end