IOP day on TLEP

E3-7 (UCL)



Gower Street London Physics department
Mario Campanelli (University College London (UK)), Stefan Soldner-Rembold (University of Manchester (GB))
After the discovery of the Higgs boson, a high-energy lepton collider would be able to search for new physics in regions complementary to the LHC. Precision measurements on the W, Z and Higgs bosons, as well as on the top quark, may provide discovery of the effects of new physics that could be out of reach for high-energy searches or complementary to them. To achieve the high luminosities needed for precision measurements at relatively low energies, a double-ring circular collider design has very specific virtues, different than those of a Linear Collider, for instance. The recently proposed designs combine the experience gathered at LEP2 and at the B factories: an accelerator ring accelerates the electrons and positrons and feeds a storage ring where high luminosity collisions take place. The technology of circular machines is well known. Very High luminosity at energies up to the top quark pair threshold are offered, together with high definition (100 keV) of collision energy and very clean experimental environment. Thus can be studied a Tera-Z, an OkuW, several MegaHiggses and a Megatop. In this workshop we introduce the opportunities offered by a large accelerator complex (around 80km circumference) whose design study is being launched by CERN in accordance with the European Strategy recommendations. The construction of a tunnel in the CERN area, three times the size of the existing one, would lead to a 50-years long physics project consisting of a high luminosity electron-positron collider running up to the top pair threshold in a first stage, and a very large 100 TeV hadron collider in a second stage. The meeting is aimed at a general audience of particle physicists informing them about the opportunities and challenges of this project.
TLEP design study web site