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BOOST13 report: WG2 meeting



First meeting of WG2 for the Boost13 report.
BOOST13 report, WG2 meeting, Oct 1

Roman Kogler, Lucia Masetti, Sebastian Fleischmann, Brian Shuve

+ Lucia:
14 TeV: also lots of events with moderate boost
how suitable are different taggers to reconstruct kinematic variables of top quarks
-> check:
1) differential measurement: migration matrices, migrations from grooming, mistags,…
2) top mass: measurable quantitiy, can we use standard methods to measure it, taggers?

+ Sebastian:
b-tagging and tracking related variables
- tracking based quantities for increasing momentum and pile-up
- what performance should our reconstruction algos have to be able to use substructure variables efficiently?
- how close do tracks get from b-decays when we have very high boosts? do we expect to see first inefficiencies of our current tracking algorithms/detectors?
- double track efficiency, implement in delphes - maybe put in efficiency as function of DeltaR of charged particles

+ Brian:
- high pt studies of baseline performance of taggers and groomers
- correlations of taggers (overlap with WG1)
- first look at no-pileup samples, then extend studies to higher PU

+ All:
-> use Rivet for analyzing generated samples
-> all have worked on event generators and delphes, but haven't used rivet so far (except for Roman)
-> Roman: email Deepak and Marcel about Rivet routine and MC samples
-> Brian: drop box folder for the boost report
-> Roman: check if we can have a github account for code?

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 18:00 18:15
      WG2 plans and discussion 15m
      Speaker: Roman Kogler (Hamburg University (DE))