Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

The Mathematics of Quantum Theory

from Friday 23 May 2014 (09:00) to Monday 26 May 2014 (17:15)
Buehler Alumni Center (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 May 2014
24 May 2014
25 May 2014
26 May 2014
09:15 --- Breakfast and Registration ---
10:00 Is Quantization Unique? - Prof. Sergei Gukov (Caltech)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:15 Categorification of quantum groups at a prime root of unity. - Prof. Mikhail Khovanov (Colombia)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
09:15 A mathematical approach to quantum curves - Prof. Motohico Mulase (U.C. Davis)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
10:00 --- Coffee ---
10:30 AGT and Triality - Prof. Mina Aganagic (Berkeley)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
11:15 Quantum curves and the infinite-dimensional Grassmannian - Prof. Albert Schwarz (UC Davis)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
09:15 Symmetry Protected Topological Phases and Cobordisms" - Prof. Anton Kapustin (Caltech)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
10:00 --- Coffee ---
10:30 M-theory and DT-theory - Prof. Andrei Okounkov (Colombia)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
11:15 Open String Hodge Theory - Prof. Alexander Goncharov (Yale)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
09:15 The Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem in quantum K-theory - Prof. Alexander Givental (U.C. Berkeley)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
10:00 --- Coffee ---
10:30 Convex polytopes and infrared categories. - Prof. Yan Soibelman (Kansas)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
11:15 Chern-Simons theory, S-duality, and a Tridiagonal Determinant Identity - Prof. Ori Ganor (Berkeley)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Moduli of super Riemann surfaces - Ron Donagi (UPenn)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
14:45 Do all subfactors admit attendant conformal field theories? - Prof. Vaughan Jones (Berkeley)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory on the Coulomb Branch - Prof. John Schwarz (Caltech)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
17:00 --- Reception ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 2-functions, L-functions, and mirror symmetry - Prof. Johannes Walcher (McGill)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
14:45 Degeneration of algebraic varieties and K-theory - Prof. Vadim Vologodsky (University of Oregon)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Naturalness of Slow Nambu-Goldstone Modes and Graph Theory - Petr Horava (University of California, Berkeley)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
17:00 --- Snacks ---
18:00 Public Lecture-String Theory: Past, Present and Future - Prof. John Schwarz (Caltech)   (1002)
19:30 --- Speaker's Dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Non-perturbative Dyson-Schwinger equations and qq-characters - Nikita Nekrasov (IHES)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
14:45 A hyperholomorphic line bundle in ${\cal N}=2$ theories - Prof. Andy Neitzke (U. Texas)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Towards the mathematics of AdS/CFT - Prof. Kevin Costello (North Western)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
17:30 --- BBQ ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 On regularized geometry of loop spaces. - Prof. Michael Movshev (Stony Brook)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
14:45 Topological recursion, cohomological field theories and quantization - Dr Nicolas Orantin (Instituto Superior Tecnico)   (Alpha Gamma Rho Room)
15:30 --- Coffee ---
16:00 Holomorphicity in QFT - Prof. Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)   (1147)