14–17 Apr 2014
Universidad de Oviedo
Europe/Madrid timezone

How Raspberry Pi can ease your life

16 Apr 2014, 09:00
Universidad de Oviedo

Universidad de Oviedo

Escuela Politecnica de Ingeniería de Gijon - Principado de Asturias (Spain)


Esteban Gabancho (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))


Raspberry Pi, a 30€ credit-card-sized microcomputer, was originally created to encourage kids to learn how to program. This is no longer the only use case of this board as it has become very popular in the DIY world. In this talk we will describe the board it self and several projects, both software and hardware, which could be done with it.

Primary author

Esteban Gabancho (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))

Presentation materials