24 January 2014
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Effective Dispersion Relations in Z=2 Lifshitz QED

24 Jan 2014, 11:00
Shackelton Building Lecture Theatre A (44/1041) (University of Southampton)

Shackelton Building Lecture Theatre A (44/1041)

University of Southampton

School of Physics and Astronomy, Southampton University, Southampton, SO17 1BJ


Mr James Brister (King's College London)


In studies of Lorentz-symmetry violating QFTs, phenomenological viability is often claimed from purely classical considerations with surprisingly little attention given to the effects of quantum corrections, presumably due to their supposed "smallness" and the difficulty of their calculation. In this talk I shall give a concrete example of a model in which this assumption is shown to be false- a model of QED with Lifshitz scaling (i.e. a scaling anisotropy between space and time). I shall discuss the relevant 1-loop corrections of this theory and some of the more interesting technicalities that arose in its renormalisation.

Primary author

Mr James Brister (King's College London)

Presentation materials

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