Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

How to get an Industry Job (LPC, Fermilab (WH One West))

WH1W (One West) (LPC (Fermilab))

WH1W (One West)

LPC (Fermilab)

Sarah Eno (University of Maryland (US)), Sean Kalafut (University of Minnesota (US)), Sudhir Malik (University of Nebraska (US))
The CMS Collaboration Board career committee and the LPC management are pleased to announce that there will be a panel discussion on careers in Industry, which will be held at the LPC at FNAL  (WH One West) in Chicago on 13 Nov 2013, between 18:00 and 20:00. Panelists include:

Jim Pivarski, Open Data Group
Gena Kukartsev, Pearson North America
Steven Won, the Boston Consulting group
Jeff Klukas, Epic (healthcare software)
Jang Dongwook, Nokia
David Lopes Pegna, Apple
Vasu Chetluru, Jump Trading
Dave Evans, Narrative Science

Guillermo Breto Rangel, Skyhigh Networks

 Refreshments will be provided, and the panel discussion with be broadcast via vidyo. There will be ample opportunity for discussion with the panelists.

live streaming of the video from fnal visual services as:
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