20–26 Nov 2013
GIS conference center
Asia/Taipei timezone


Parallel Sessions: Gauge theories, String cosmology

20 Nov 2013, 13:30
GIS conference center

GIS conference center

Taipei, Taiwan


Parallel Sessions: Gauge theories, String cosmology: 20B1d, 20B2d

  • Yutaka Matsuo (University of Tokyo)
  • B Chen (Peking University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
A. Tanaka (Osaka University)
20/11/2013, 13:30
H. Nakajima (National Taiwan University)
20/11/2013, 13:50
N. Hama (Kyoto University)
20/11/2013, 14:30
T. Fujimori (National Taiwan University)
20/11/2013, 14:50
Sean Downes (LeCosPA)
20/11/2013, 16:00
Kazunori Nakayama (University of Tokyo)
20/11/2013, 16:40
Building timetable...