20–26 Nov 2013
GIS conference center
Asia/Taipei timezone


Parallel Sessions: Mathematical physics, String phenomenology

21 Nov 2013, 13:30
GIS conference center

GIS conference center

Taipei, Taiwan


Parallel Sessions: Mathematical physics, String phenomenology: 21B1d, 21B2d

  • C.-T. Chan (Tunghai University)
  • K. Nakayama (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Yen Chin Ong (LeCosPA)
21/11/2013, 13:30
Chih-Wei Wang (National Taiwan Normal University)
21/11/2013, 13:50
Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos (Weill Cornell Medical College)
21/11/2013, 14:10
Seung-Joo Lee (KIAS)
21/11/2013, 14:30
Chi-Hsien Yeh (NCTS)
21/11/2013, 14:50
Wei-Ming Chen (National Taiwan University)
21/11/2013, 15:10
Keigo Sumita (Waseda University)
21/11/2013, 16:00
Shogo Kuwakino (Chung Yuan Christian University)
21/11/2013, 16:20
Akane Oikawa (Waseda University)
21/11/2013, 16:40
Christina Rugina (IFIN-HH)
21/11/2013, 17:00
Chuang Sun (University of Oxford)
21/11/2013, 17:20
Building timetable...