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Topical review talks

12 Nov 2013, 09:00
"Nullo Baldini" (Ravenna, Italy)

"Nullo Baldini"

Ravenna, Italy

Via Guaccimanni 10


Topical review talks: Review of microelectronics and detectors

  • Erik Heijne (Fellow IEEE, CERN PH Department, also at IEAP of Czech Techical University Prague, Czech Republic and NIKHEF, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Topical review talks

  • There are no conveners in this block

Topical review talks: Molecular imaging

  • Julia Jungmann (Pail Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland; formerly at AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Topical review talks: PET technique and applications

  • Dr. Alberto Del Guerra (University of Pisa, Italy)

Topical review talks: Development of Silicon Drift Detectors and recent applications

  • Dr. Chiara Guazzoni (Politecnico di Milano and INFN Milano, Italy)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
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