Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

27–30 Apr 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experimental Results and Future Directions of Various Dielectric Laser Accelerators

Not scheduled


Lecture Hall Building 106 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Bautzner Landstraße 400 01328 Dresden, Germany


Recent experimental results showing proof-of principle acceleration in three distinct Dielectric Laser Accelerator designs are presented and discussed. These designs include the "Double-Grating" structure developed at SLAC, the resonant cavity "Micro-Accelerator Platform developed at UCLA and the "Single-Grating" structure developed at MPQ and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Additionally, the next steps being taken to further develop the Single-Grating structure are highlighted.

Primary author

Dr Joshua McNeur (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg)

Presentation materials

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