8:30 AM
GE-1/1 Project: Introduction, Scope and Schedule
Archana Sharma
8:55 AM
GE-1/1 Technical Introduction & Front-End Microelectronics: Status and Plan
Paul Aspell
9:40 AM
GE-1/1 Data Acquisition and Trigger Electronics: System Architecture, Status and Plans:
Gilles De Lentdecker
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
10:40 AM
Status of Developments at Participating Institutions
Alfredo Gutierrez Jr
(Wayne State University (US))
Jason Gilmore
(Texas A & M University (US))
Paul Aspell
Yifan Yang
(Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))
11:10 AM
Review of the Current Capabilities and Expertise at TAMUQ
Mazen Saghir
(Texas A&M University at Qatar)
11:40 AM
Discussion Involving Tasks, Manpower, and Opportunities for New Participants