Roberto Castello
(Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE)),
Wainer Vandelli
11/08/2014, 14:04
In this talk, the main challenges of the operation of the ATLAS and CMS experiments during run 1 will be exposed: a special emphasis will be put on what worked better or worse than planned, and the lessons learnt for run 2.
Clara Gaspar
11/08/2014, 14:38
In this talk, the main challenges of the operation of the LHCb experiment during run 1 will be exposed: a special emphasis will be put on what worked better or worse than planned, and the lessons learnt for run 2.
Markus Elsing
11/08/2014, 14:57
The talk should cover: the challenges of track reconstruction at Run 2 and in the
high PU environment of phase-1; the expected fakes and efficiencies; how we can
make the tracking robust at high PU, still keeping the reconstruction time under control. The online tracking, that is run at the high level trigger, should also be discussed.
Louise Skinnari
(Cornell University (US))
11/08/2014, 15:15
the talk will present how Atlas and CMS plan, in phase-2, to make use of tracking
information at the first level of the trigger system: how the tracks may be reconstructed
at L1, what is the expected performance of this L1 tracking, and examples of how
the L1 tracks can be used to reduce the L1 trigger rates.