TITUS: An Intermediate Distance Detector for the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande Neutrino Beam

Not scheduled
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)

Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre

University of Glasgow

University Avenue Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK


The Tokai Intermediate Tank for Unoscillated Spectrum (TITUS) detector is a proposed addition to the Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) experiment, located approximately 2 km from the J-PARC neutrino beam. The design consists of a 2 kton Gd-doped water Cherenkov tank, surrounded by a magnetized iron detector designed to range-out muons. The target material and location were chosen so that the neutrino interactions and beam spectrum at TITUS would match those of Hyper-K. Including a 0.1% Gd concentration allows for nu/antinu discrimination via neutron tagging. The primary goal of TITUS is to make cross-section measurements that reduce the systematic uncertainty of the long-baseline oscillation physics program at Hyper-K and enhance its sensitivity to CP violation. TITUS can also be used for physics unrelated to the J-PARC beam, functioning as an independent detector for supernova neutrino bursts and measuring the neutron rate to improve Hyper-K proton decay searches.
WG1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Yes/No) Yes
WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics (Yes/No) No
WG3: Accelerator Physics (Yes/No) No
WG4: Muon Physics (Yes/No) No
Type of presentation Poster


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