Milorad Popovic
In an attempt to better utilize the existing accelerator complex, we revisit the idea of using the Debuncher as a storage ring for muons. As it stands now, the accelerator complex providing beam to the New Muon g-2 Experiment will deliver 6x10-6 stored muons/POT. Our initial estimates show that Neutrino cross-sections can be measured to better than 10% using a detector positioned approximately10 meters downstream of one of the Debuncher straights. The existing ICARUS detector would be an excellent candidate for this application. Providing a suitable building to house the detector would be the only investment required. Finally, we describe possible improvements in collecting and storing muons that would allow cross-section measurements with a precision of a few percent with a modest additional investment.
WG1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Yes/No) | No |
WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics (Yes/No) | No |
WG3: Accelerator Physics (Yes/No) | Yes |
WG4: Muon Physics (Yes/No) | Yes |
Type of presentation | Oral presentation |
Milorad Popovic
Jean-Francois Ostiguy