Xinchun Tian
(University of South Carolina)
25/08/2014, 14:55
The reference design of the near detector for the LBNE experiment is a high-resolution Fine-Grained Tracker (FGT) capable of precisely measuring all four species of neutrinos: $\nu_\mu$, $\nu_e$, $\bar\nu_\mu$ and $\bar\nu_e$. The FGT is composed of a Straw-Tube Tracker (STT) with transition-radiation capability surrounded by a high resolution electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) and embedded in...
Jason St. John
(University of Cincinnati)
25/08/2014, 15:20
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers offer very good 3D and calorimetric resolution and allow relatively easy construction of large mass detectors, making them a prime candidate for future precision neutrino measurements. Surprisingly, there has been relatively little effort in calibrating the response of these detectors. The LArIAT (Liquid Argon In A Testbeam) experiment aims to fill that...
Kento Suzuki
(Kyoto University)
26/08/2014, 11:25
The Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment is designed to measure neutrino oscillation parameters. It uses an almost pure muon neutrino ($\nu_\mu$) beam that originates at J-PARC.
INGRID consists with 14 independent modules (7 vertical and 7 horizontal modules) , each of which are composed of iron plates and scintillator planes. The modules make up a cross-shape with center on beam-axis. It...
Hadron Production measurements at the NA61/SHINE experiment for the T2K Neutrino Flux Prediction
Davide Sgalaberna
(Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
26/08/2014, 11:50
The largest source of uncertainty on the initial neutrino flux in modern
accelerator neutrino experiments is the poor knowledge on the production
of hadrons that decay into neutrinos. T2K is a long baseline
neutrino experiment that aims to precisely measure the parameters
of the PMNS matrix via the $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ appearance and $\nu_{\mu}$
disappearance as well as to look for the...
Jorge G. Morfin
27/08/2014, 11:00
Nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) are important for the comparison of experimental scattering results off different nuclear targets in the middle-to-high W kinematic regime. The latest CTEQ nPDF study now has a new set of these distributions along with their errors. A review of an earlier CTEQ nPDF study that found a difference in nPDFs from neutino-A vs mu/e-A scattering will...
Teppei Katori
(Queen Mary University of London)
27/08/2014, 11:25
Current and future high precision neutrino oscillation experiments try to measure outgoing hadrons on top of leading leptons. For example, such hadron measurement allows to perform a better energy-momentum reconstruction of neutrinos. For this purpose, precise simulation of hadron production is necessary. Traditionally, PYTHIA6 is used to simulate the hadronization processes, but the agreement...
Tomoya Murata
(Department of Physics, Osaka University)
27/08/2014, 11:50
Extraction of the neutrino-flux from the data of the neutrino-nucleus reaction is of crucial importance to obtain the parameters of neutrino mixing. The observed events of neutrino reaction are the average over the neutrino flux.
In this presentation, we report a new method to extract neutrino flux from the data of inclusive muon production cross section by using maximum entropy method...
Vishvas Pandey
(Ghent University)
28/08/2014, 11:00
We present a detailed description of a continuum random phase approximation approach to inclusive quasielastic electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering. The description of the nucleus starts from a mean field (MF) potential, where long-range correlations are added by means of a continuum random phase approximation (CRPA) based on a Green's function approach using an effective Skyrme...
Raรบl Gonzรกlez-Jimรฉnez
(Departamento de Fรญsica Atรณmica, Molecular y Nuclear, University of Seville)
28/08/2014, 11:25
An important number of neutrino scattering experiments involve nuclei as targets.
Many of these experiments are placed at the intermediate energy regime (from hundreds of MeV to a few GeV) where the quasi-elastic (QE) scattering process is one of the dominant channels in the reaction mechanism.
Some examples are MiniBooNE, Miner$\nu$a, NOMAD and T2K experiments.
We have analysed elastic...
Ignacio Ruiz Simo
(University of Granada)
28/08/2014, 11:50
We study the phase-space dependence of 2p-2h excitations in neutrino
scattering using the relativistic Fermi gas model \cite{Rui14}. We
follow a similar approach to Refs. \cite{Pace03,Ama10}, but focusing
in the phase-space properties, comparing with the non-relativistic
model of \cite{Van81}. A careful mathematical analysis of the angular
distribution function for the outgoing nucleons...
Jeremy Wolcott
(University of Rochester)
28/08/2014, 14:00
Among the most important tasks of neutrino oscillation experiments is
correctly estimating the parent neutrino energy from the by-products of
their interactions. Large uncertainties in our current understanding of
such processes can significantly hamper this effort. We explore two
recent measurements made using the MINERvA detector in the few-GeV NuMI
muon neutrino beam at Fermilab: the...
Antonio Ereditato
(Universitaet Bern (CH))
28/08/2014, 14:30
The liquid argon TPC (LArTPC) is a particle detection technique that provides excellent energy and space resolution and is an optimal tool to study neutrino-nucleus interactions. ArgoNeuT, a 175 liter LArTPC, exposed to NUMI neutrino beamline at Fermilab, has collected thousands of low-energy neutrino and anti-neutrino interaction events.
Latest results, including measurements of charged...
Steven Boyd
(University of Warwick)
28/08/2014, 15:00
Monte Carlo event generators need to keep up with recent data. This is important but difficult since the models are strongly dependent of data/models from other probes. Recent data are of high quality and provide new challenges. This talk will examine recent results from Minerva and Argoneut using the GENIE event generator.
Jeremy Wolcott
(University of Rochester)
29/08/2014, 11:00
The electron-neutrino charged-current quasi-elastic (CCQE) cross-section on nuclei is an important input parameter to appearance-type neutrino oscillation experiments. Current experiments typically work from the muon neutrino cross-section and apply corrections from theoretical arguments to obtain a prediction for the electron neutrino cross-section, but to date there has been no experimental...
Jorge G. Morfin
29/08/2014, 11:25
MINERvA is a neutrino experiment designed for detailed studies of neutrino nucleus scattering physics. Cross sections and nuclear effects can be measured with a large active core of scintillator (CH) and an upstream array of various A nuclear targets. This presentation will review the measured ratio of inclusive cross sections of the CH, C, Fe and Pb targets and, using the active...
Hongyue Duyang
(University of South Carolina)
29/08/2014, 11:50
Resonance interaction is one of the most important modes in the oscillation region of the next generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, but it is also the least well measured. This talk presents a measurement of charge current resonance interaction in NOMAD detector following techniques developed for the LBNE near-detector. The measurement uses two topologies induced by...
Lisa Goodenough
(Argonne National Lab)
29/08/2014, 14:00
The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with a 300 ton near detector and 14 kton far detector, located 810 km away, both positioned 14 mrad off-axis of the Fermilab NuMI neutrino beam. A 220 ton prototype Near Detector On the Surface (NDOS) was built on the surface at Fermilab 106 mrad off-axis of the NuMI beam. NDOS has been taking data since 2010. Two...
Nathan Mayer
(Tufts University)
29/08/2014, 14:25
A sample enriched in quasielastic scattering events is selected from charged-current $\nu_{\mu}$ interactions in iron using the MINOS near detector exposed to a wide-band $\nu_{\mu}$ beam with peak flux at 3 GeV. Contributions from non-quasielastic backgrounds are evaluated using four independent kinematic sideband samples. The shapes of data distributions in four-momentum transfer, $Q^2$, are...
Yusuke Koshio
(Okayama University)
29/08/2014, 14:50
We report the first measurement of the neutral current quasi-elastic (NCQE) cross section on oxygen by observing nuclear de-excitation gamma rays with the T2K neutrino beam. These gamma rays are observed in the Super-Kamiokande water Cherenkov detector. We select candidate events by using the T2K beam timing, and observed 43 events in the 4-30MeV reconstructed energy region, comparing to the...