WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- Akira Sato (Osaka U)
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- Francesco Tenchini (I)
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- Yasuhiro Miyake (KEK)
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- Patrick Strasser (KEK)
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications: J34: Joint session between WG3 and WG4
- Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka University)
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- There are no conveners in this block
WG4: Muon Physics and High Intensity applications
- Phillip Litchfield (U)
Moritz Kiehn
(Heidelberg University)
25/08/2014, 15:00
The Mu3e experiment searches for the lepton flavor violating decay μ$\,\to\,$eee aiming for a sensitivity of better than 1 in 10$^{16}$ decays, a four order of magnitude improvement over the previous search by the SINDRUM experiment. This sensitivity is achieved by a novel experimental design based on thin monolithic active silicon pixel detectors and scintillating fibres and tiles.
In this...
Cornelis Onderwater
(University of Groningen (NL))
25/08/2014, 15:30
This talk covers the recent results and prospects of tau cLFV decays from LHCb, super-B (Belle-II), as well as BaBar and Belle experiments.
Xiao Luo
(Boston University)
26/08/2014, 11:00
The goal of the MuSun experiment at PSI is to measure the rate of muon capture on the deuteron with a precision of 1.5%. This rate will be used to fix the low-energy constant that describes the two-nucleon weak axial current in Chiral perturbation theory. It will therefore calibrate evaluations of solar proton-proton fusion and neutrino-deuteron scattering(SNO experiment). MuSun forms part of...
Katherine MESICK
(Rutgers University)
26/08/2014, 11:30
The Proton Radius Puzzle refers to the disagreement between the proton charge radius as determined from muonic hydrogen and the radius determined from atomic hydrogen level transitions and $ep$ elastic scattering form factor data. The discrepancy of $\sim 7\sigma$ is not yet explained, and though numerous resolutions
have been proposed there is no generally accepted resolution to the...
Patrick Strasser
26/08/2014, 14:30
At the J-PARC Muon Science Facility (MUSE), we are now planning a new measurement of the ground state hyperfine structure (HFS) of muonium. High precison measurements of muonium HFS is the most sensitive tool for testing QED theory. Fundamental constants of the muon mass and magnetic moment are currently determined by the previous muonium HFS experiment at LAMPF. The new high intensity muon...
Yuki Matsumoto
(Tohoku University)
28/08/2014, 11:00
A muon beam facility called “MuSIC” has been built at Research Center of Nuclear Physics, Osaka University. MuSIC consists of the pion capture solenoid and the muon transport with a 36° curved solenoid. The intensity of MuSIC is expected to be 2 x 108[μ+/sec/μA] from an experiment performed at MuSIC.
In 2014 a new beamline was built downstream of the curved solenoid. The new beamline has...
Katsuhiko Ishida
29/08/2014, 14:00
A new experiment is under preparation to measure the muon g-2 and EDM at J-PARC with a novel technique called ultra-slow muon beam. I present the recent progresses, especially those in the ultra-slow muon beam production.
Akira SATO
(Osaka University)
29/08/2014, 16:00
The COMET experiment will search the muon to electron conversion , which violates lepton-flavor conservation, with a phased approach. The first stage, COMET-Phase-I, will achieve a single event sensitivity of $3×10^{−15}$ with a short muon transport solenoid and a cylindlical detector system. Then in the stage two, COMET Phase-II, finally achieves the sensitivity of $3×10^{−16}$ with a long C...
Ajit Kurup
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
29/08/2014, 16:30
The COMET experiment aims to search for muon to electron conversion with a sensitivity of $<10^{-17}$. The experiment will be built in two phases, with Phase-I aiming at a sensitivity of $<10^{-15}$ using a cylindrical drift chamber. The design of COMET Phase-II has a longer beam line to improve the quality of the muon beam and perform momentum selection of electrons. The detector system...