5–8 Aug 2014
Osaka Univiersity
Asia/Tokyo timezone

A Heavy-ion Program at J-PARC

8 Aug 2014, 09:30
Main Hall (Osaka Univiersity)

Main Hall

Osaka Univiersity

Osaka, Japan


Hiroyuki Sako (ASRC/J-PARC, Japan Atomic Research Agency)


In J-PARC, possibility of a future heavy-ion program has been discussed. There are two physics subjects included in the program. One is a low energy heavy ion physics, to study unstable nuclei with the linac beam at 1-10 AMeV/c, and the other is a high energy heavy ion physics to explore nuclear physics at a high baryon density with the Main Ring beam at 1-10 AGeV/c. In this work, the latter is presented. We discuss a heavy ion accelerator scheme, physics goals, and an experimental set-up. The accelerator scheme includes a new heavy ion linac, with or without a new heavy ion booster ring, and utilizes the existing 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron, and 30 GeV Main Ring. We focus on studies of dilepton measurements, exotic hadrons such as the H-dibaryon and exotic nuclei such as hypernuclei. The enhancement of dilepton in the low mass region (below rho mass) tens to having a maximum around the J-PARC energies where the highest baryon density coincodes. The yield of hypernuclei has also maximum in this energy region due to coalescence of high density baryons. We designed a 4-pi acceptance heavy-ion spectrometer which consists of a solenod spectrometer detecting backward hadrons and a dipole spectrometer detecting middle and forward hadrons and leptons. Performance of the spectrometer is evaluated with simulations.


Hiroyuki Sako (ASRC/J-PARC, Japan Atomic Research Agency)


Dr Hiroyuki Harada (J-PARC, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr KenIchi Imai (ASRC/J-PARC, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima University (JP)) Dr Kyoichiro Ozawa (J-PARC, KEK) Dr Masashi Kaneta (Tohoku University) Dr Pranab Saha (J-PARC, Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Prof. Shoji Nagamiya (RIKEN) Takao Sakaguchi (BNL) Dr Taku Gunji (CNS, University of Tokyo) Dr Yong Liu (J-PARC, KEK) susumu sato (jaea)

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