5–8 Aug 2014
Osaka Univiersity
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The fluid nature and the viscosity of the quark gluon plasma

5 Aug 2014, 15:30
Main Hall (Osaka Univiersity)

Main Hall

Osaka Univiersity

Osaka, Japan


Prof. Huichao Song (Peking University)


In this talk, I will briefly review recent progress on the fluid nature and the viscosity of the quark gluon plasma. The related topics include: 1) extracting the QGP shear viscosity from the flow data at RHIC and the LHC 2) initial state fluctuations, final state correlations and event-by-event hydrodynamics, 3) flow and hydrodynamics in p+Pb collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02 TeV.


Prof. Huichao Song (Peking University)

Presentation materials