Shiori Takeuchi
(Sophia University)
06/08/2014, 16:20
We study the hadronic rescattering effects, in particular for multi-strange hadrons, on the final observables within an integrated dynamical approach in which a (3+1)D ideal hydrodynamic model is combined with hadronic cascade model, JAM.
Since the measured observables contain all the information throughout the space-time evolution in relativistic heavy ion collisions,
dissipation caused...
Hongsheng Zhu
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
06/08/2014, 16:40
The measurement of the neutral pion production in p-Pb collisions provides the information about the nuclear modified parton distribution function and allows to disentangle initial-state effects and final-state effects for Pb-Pb collisions. Meanwhile, it is also important to understand the decay photon background in measuring the direct photon production.
The ALICE experiment at the LHC...
Takahiro Sasaki
(Tokyo University)
06/08/2014, 17:00
We exposit an interpretation of the kurtosis and the skewness of the proton number fluctuation based on a thermal model.
We demonstrate that the kurtosis decreases to show a significant deviation from the unity due to quantum statistics when the baryon density grows up. Such a simple estimate of the fluctuations in a thermal gas picture fits in with the experimental data of the beam-energy...