Silicon avalanche-photodiode linear array detector with multichannel scaling system for pulsed synchrotron X-ray experiments

2 Sept 2014, 17:37
Niagara Falls, Canada

Niagara Falls, Canada

Sheraton on the Falls


Shunji Kishimoto (KEK)


We have been developing an X-ray detector system using a 64-pixel silicon avalanche- photodiode (Si-APD) linear array (pixel size: 100 μm × 200 μm) and pulse counting electronics for multichannel scaling (MCS).  The Si-APD linear array consists of 64 pixels 100 × 200 μm^2, with a pixel pitch of 150 μm and a depletion depth of 10 μm. The fast response of Si-APD and the MCS system are used for time-resolved X-ray diffraction and nuclear resonant scattering experiments using pulsed synchrotron X-rays. The detector system can resolve successive X-ray pulses at 2 ns intervals and record the pulse counts with a rate of >10^7 cps per channel and position of X-rays coming to each pixel of the linear array. The time resolution of 1.4 ns (FWHM) was obtained. The electronics consisting of an ultrafast application-specific integrated circuit, field-programmable gate arrays and a network processor was developed for the linear array system. The detector successfully recorded nuclear resonant small-angle scattering on Fe-57 by scanning the detector position.

Primary author


Prof. Manobu Tanaka (KEK) Masahiro Ikeno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) Mr Masatoshi Saito (KEK) Dr Rie Haruki (KEK) Mr Shoichi Shimazaki (KEK) Dr Takashhi Taniguchi (KEK) Dr Takaya Mitsui (JAEA) Dr Yoshitaka Yoda (JASRI)

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