
Registration Form

Opened 7 Apr 2014
Closed 22 Aug 2014

Registration fees are listed on our secure payment site. Use the secure payment site to pay your Conference registration fee. Early registration ($US 450) closes on July 1st Normal registration ($US 500) closes on August 22nd On-Site registration ($US 550) beginning August 23rd Companion registration ($US 150) Child registration ($US 75) Ground transportation can be booked at the Niagara Airbus website. Instructions for making reservations on their site can be found here. On the very first page use Conference/Promo Code:201 to get discounts we've negotiated on behalf of our meeting participants. Hotel accommodation fees should be paid directly to the hotel by the participants. Our room block has now expired so the web-links we had no longer work. Please contact the hotel directly by phone indicating that you are with the PIXEL2014 group. They will do their best to match our former room-block prices for nights that aren't heavily booked (later in the conference). For calls from inside North America their reservation line can be reached at 1-800-519-9911. For calls from outside North America the hotel can be reached at +1-905-374-4444. To register you need to have a CERN User account or an Indico account. If you do not have one, please create an "External "Light-weight" account", by following this link.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.