31 March 2014 to 8 April 2014
National Institute of Physics
Asia/Manila timezone

Scientific Programme

The first CERN Philippines school 2014 brings together physicists from the Philippines and abroad to share knowledge about high energy particle physics, both theoretical and experimental.

Students will benefit from interaction with researchers at the cutting-edge of the field, and be exposed to state-of-the-art techniques and procedures for theoretical calculations, particle detection, and data analysis.

Daily discussion sessions between lecturers and students will take place in smaller groups, allowing to deepen specific subjects.

The general public will also be addressed in a specific session.

The School is possible thanks to the support of:
  • Lectures

    Lectures by national, regional, and international experts in experimental and theoretical high-energy particle physics for graduate and undergraduate physics students.

  • Discussions

    Daily discussion sessions for deeper discussions between lecturer and smaller groups of students.

  • Public events

    A series of lectures and discussions for the general public.