PicoSEC-MCNet System Integration Training

Bld. 1C, seminar room 4 (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

Bld. 1C, seminar room 4

DESY, Hamburg, Germany

The PicoSEC-MCNet System Integration Training will take place in Hamburg, at DESY, on May 26th and 27th 2014.

Topics of the training will be:
  • Basics of detectors and accelerator physics
  • Issues in complex machine and detector design, commissioning and integration(LHC and ILC dominated)
  • Lessons learned from LHC experience
  • How to plan the next 50 years of HEP experiments?
A visit to DESY detector museum and to photon science experiments (PETRA III / XFEL) is also planned in the frame of the training.

N.B.: the participation to the training is basically restricted to PicoSEC-MCNet researchers. A small number of places will be reserved to non-PicoSEC-MCNet students, who can join the training upon invitation.