Wojciech Dominik
(Uni Warsaw)
We present a novel type of a Time Projection Chamber in which tracks of
charged particles are recorded by means of optical imaging. Particles of
interest (heavy ions, α particles, protons) are stopped within an active
volume of gas composed of argon and helium with small admixtures of
nitrogen and methane. The primary ionization charges drift to the
amplification stages where emission of light occurs. The image of this light
pattern is recorded by a CCD camera located outside the gaseous volume
and is combined with the measured drifttime profile, allowing the 3-D
reconstruction of the tracks. First results of test measurements will be
presented. Radioactive ions were stopped within the chamber and their
subsequent decays with emission of low energy protons and α particles were
recorded. In the near future the detector will be applied to the study of the
recently discovered two-proton radioactivity, in particular, the angular
correlation between two protons emitted during the decay of 45Fe will be
Primary author
Wojciech Dominik
(Uni Warsaw)