19–24 Feb 2007
Univ. of Technology
Europe/Zurich timezone

Experience from the construction and installation of the HMPID CsI-RICH detector in ALICE

23 Feb 2007, 11:45
HS1 (Univ. of Technology)


Univ. of Technology

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Contributed Talk Session 9


Abraham Antonio Gallas Torreira (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))


The construction and installation phases of the High Momentum Particle IDentification detector (HMPID) of the ALICE experiment were completed by summer 2006. The HMPID has been designed to identify charged pions and kaons in the range 1 < pt < 3 GeV/c and protons in the range 2 < pt < 5 GeV/c. The total active area of this detector is 11 m 2 and represents the largest scale application of CsI photo-cathodes in RICH detectors. We will report on the production of the CsI photo-cathodes and their performances, the readout electronics, the mwpcs and the assembly and handling procedures needed to produce such a large detector. As well, we will present performance results achieved in test beams and the main difficulties encountered during the construction process.

Primary author

Abraham Antonio Gallas Torreira (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))

Presentation materials