19–24 Feb 2007
Univ. of Technology
Europe/Zurich timezone

The neutron response of a Pb-scintillating fiber sampling calorimeter: Monte Carlo simulation and experimental validation

22 Feb 2007, 11:30
HS1 (Univ. of Technology)


Univ. of Technology

Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 Vienna, Austria
Contributed Talk Session 7


Anna Ferrari (CNAO Milano)


The KLOE Pb-scintillating fiber calorimeter, primarily designed as an electromagnetic calorimeter, showed a superior neutron efficiency in a measurement performed in the energy range [20,180] MeV at TSL (The Svedberg Laboratory, Uppsala) presented in a parallel contribution to this conference. A detailed simulation of the calorimeter - a complex geometrical structure of 200 layers of thin (0.5 mm) grooved lead foils and 1 mm diameter scintillating fibers glued inside - and of the main elements of the TSL beamline has been performed with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA. The simulated response of the calorimeter to neutrons, together with the experimental validation by the TSL data, is presented, showing a high neutron efficiency, which ranges between 40% and 50%. The reasons of a such enhancement of the efficiency, in comparison with the typical neutron counters, are investigated and discussed, opening to the possibility of a new, innovative neutron detector.

Primary author

Anna Ferrari (CNAO Milano)

Presentation materials