Roman Mizuk
(Inst. f. Theor. and Exp. Physics, Moscow)
We propose a muon system for the Super BELLE based on scintillator
counters with wave-length-shifting fibers, read out by metal-resistor silicon
avalance photodiods operating in the Geiger mode (MRS APD) produced by
CPTA (Moscow). We produced 150 scintillator strips and MRS APDs to be
installed in the BELLE environment for the background measurement and
long term stability study. Here we report the results of their tests performed
at ITEP. Using weak flashes of a Light Emitting Diode we clearly see
individual photoelectons in the amplitude spectrum of the MRS APDs and
measure the relative quantum efficiency, the gain and the cross-talk of the
MRS APDs. We present the dependence of the main characteristics on High
Voltage. Using a cosmic setup we find the light yield of the strips, measure
the efficiency and time resolution. Using a hadron beam at ITEP Proton
Synchrotron we study the light yield uniformity in the longitudinal and
transversal directions. The first measurement of the radiation hardness
using proton beam are presented.
Primary author
Roman Mizuk
(Inst. f. Theor. and Exp. Physics, Moscow)