Using energy-peaks to measure particle (new and old) masses
WH11NE - Sunrise (Fermilab - LPC)
WH11NE - Sunrise
Fermilab - LPC
I will first analytically show a simple, yet subtle "invariance" of two-body decay kinematics for the case of a massless daughter and a mother particle which is unpolarized and has a generic boost distribution in the laboratory frame. Namely, the laboratory frame energy distribution of the massless decay product has a peak, whose location is identical to the (fixed) energy of that particle in the rest frame of the corresponding mother particle. As a proof of principle of the usefulness of this observation, I will then apply it for measuring the mass of the top quark at the LHC, using simulated data (including experimental effects). Finally, I will show how it can be used to measure all the super partner masses in a cascade decay chain of the gluino.