Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

BigPanda phonecon

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vydio only
Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
    • 17:00 17:05
      Introduction. 5m
      Speakers: Dr Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
    • 17:05 17:50
      status reports and discussion 45m
      • Extending PanDA. HPC, LCF, Clouds : ORNL
        Speakers: Danila Oleynik (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)), Sergey Panitkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • Leveraging intelligent network.
        Speaker: Artem Petrosyan (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
      • PanDA instance in US. Progress in monitoring.
        Speaker: Jaroslava Schovancova (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • PanDA packaging
        Speakers: Artem Petrosyan (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)), Jaroslava Schovancova (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 17:50 18:05
      ASGC Conference Highlights 15m
    • 18:05 18:25
      Upcoming conferences and status of abstracts submission 20m
      • SC14
        Speaker: Dr Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • ICHEP 2014
        Speaker: Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
        more information
      • ACAT 2014
        Speaker: Jaroslava Schovancova (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • IEEE Conference in Madrid. Cluster 2014
        Speaker: Sergey Panitkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
    • 18:25 18:35
      ASCR FOA 14-1088 : "MODES: Modeling Distributed Extreme-Scale Systems" 10m
      Speakers: Dr Alexei Klimentov (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
    • 18:35 18:55
      AOB 20m
      • next F2F meeting date (May 6-7 @ BNL)