European Network for Novel Accelerators Meeting

The Cockcroft Institute

The Cockcroft Institute

Sci-Tech Daresbury Keckwick Lane Daresbury Warrington WA4 4AD UK
The field of plasma wakefield acceleration, which the network plans to develop, is changing fast. Interesting electron beams of 0.3–1 GeV, with 1.5–2.5% energy spread, have now been produced in several places including France, Germany, the UK and the US, with promising reproducibility. Conventional accelerator laboratories are now interested to see if an operational electron accelerator can be built and used successfully for pilot applications in science. Here, a low repetition, plasma-based FEL is a central goal. However, first pilot applications at low energy for HEP are also being considered. To avoid replication of work and to gather critical mass, a European project with distributed work across many labs is envisaged for creating such a new device. Amongst other benefits, sharing of facilities and tests could ease the present restrictions on beam time experienced by many researchers.
EuroNNAc member institutes are planning to apply for an EU Design Study within H2020 for a "European Plasma Accelerator with high quality and Pilot Applications". In this meeting we will discuss the envisaged application, exact scope and finalize the participants.
In addition, several new technological ideas in the area of plasma acceleration are being considered for applications in the H2020 program of future emerging technologies (FET). The preselected three proposals will be discussed with the goal to arrive at an optimized and coherent overall program for European plasma acceleration efforts.

The event is supported by EuCARD-2  and LA³NET.
Group Photo
Prof. Carsten P. Welsch
  • Alban MOSNIER
  • Alessandro Cianchi
  • Andrei Seryi
  • Arnd Specka
  • Barbara Marchetti
  • Bernhard Hidding
  • Carsten Welsch
  • Fabio Villa
  • Florian Gruener
  • guoxing xia
  • Imre Ferenc Barna
  • Jim Clarke
  • Jorge Vieira
  • Leo Gizzi
  • Luca Labate
  • Luis Silva
  • Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie
  • Massimo Ferrario
  • Rajeev Pattathil
  • Ralph Assmann
  • Rob Ashworth
  • Roger Jones
  • Ruth Mundt
  • Simon Hooker
  • Zheng-Ming Sheng
  • Thursday 5 June
    • 20:00
      Reception Daresbury Park Hotel

      Daresbury Park Hotel

      drinks reception

    • 1
    • 2
      Minutes Yearly Meeting 20.3.2014
      Speaker: Ralph Assmann
    • Status EU Design Study
      Convener: Dr Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (CERN)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Discussion EU Design Study
    • 3
      Status FET - Resonant Fiber-Driven Plasma Acceleration
      Speaker: Simon Hooker
    • 12:00
    • 4
      Status FET - Beam-Driven Plasma Acceleration
      Speaker: Massimo Ferrario
    • 5
      Status FET - LWA of Ions
      Speaker: Markus Roth
    • Discussion, Decisions, AOB
    • 6