Fourth NExT PhD Workshop: the Road Ahead

Lecture Theatre C (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton)

Lecture Theatre C

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton

University of Southampton,Building 46 Highfield Campus, Southampton SO17 1BJ

This NExT PhD Workshop is the fourth of a series of Workshops for Graduate students. It is open to NExT Institute staff, PDRAs and students, as well as external participants. It aims to bring people together to present, share and generate new ideas. The topic of this Graduate Workshop is "The road ahead", a chance to discuss present status and future plans for particle physics in the light of LHC, Planck and neutrino results. This will be the topic of the lectures planned for the PhD school. Two afternoon sessions will be conference-type with talks given by young members of the NExT nodes. A poster session will take place on the first day, before dinner.

The core of the program consists of a series of extensive review talks and lectures on:

Higgs experiment: N Konstantinidis (University College London, UK)
Higgs theory: D Miller (University of Glasgow, UK)
Beyond the SM: V Sanz (University of Sussex, UK)
Dark Matter: L Roszkowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland)
Supersymmetry: S Khalil (Zewail City of Science & Technology, Egypt)
LHC detectors and Experimental techniques: F Salvatore (University of Sussex, UK)
Cosmology and gravitational waves: C Baccigalupi (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy)

The workshop will feature also the following.

* Research presentations by participants (talks and posters)
* A student-led discussion session (coordinated by SEPnet students)
* A discussion on Graduate School matters and their integration within GRADnet
* Plenty of time for informal conversations
* Social events like workshop dinners

The meeting is organised by the NExT Institute and sponsored by SEPnet. This event is in fact part of the SEPnet Graduate School.

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