Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

EIROforum Procurement

from Friday 23 May 2014 (08:00) to Tuesday 27 May 2014 (17:45)
CERN (4-3-004)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 May 2014
24 May 2014
25 May 2014
26 May 2014
27 May 2014
Introduction (until 09:50) (4-3-004)
09:00 School Opening - Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)   (4-3-004)
09:10 CERN - Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)   (4-3-004)
09:15 EMBL - Stefan Fiedler   (4-3-004)
09:20 ESA - David Lumb   (4-3-004)
09:25 ESO - Mr Mark Casali   (4-3-004)
09:30 ESRF - Ray Barrett (E)   (4-3-004)
09:35 European XFEL - Thomas Tschentscher   (4-3-004)
09:40 ILL - Helmut Schober   (4-3-004)
09:45 JET/EFDA - Andrea Murari   (4-3-004)
Overview (until 17:00) (4-3-004)
09:50 The discovery of the Higgs boson - Albert De Roeck (CERN)   (4-3-004)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Synchrotron radiation at ESRF and European XFEL - Ray Barrett (E) Thomas Tschentscher (European XFEL)   (4-3-004)
11:45 Neutron experiments - Helmut Schober   (4-3-004)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 ESO Programmes in Ground-Based Astronomy - Mark Casali   (4-3-004)
14:15 Space Science Highlights - David Lumb   (4-3-004)
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Fusion - Andrea Murari   (4-3-004)
16:15 EMBL structural biology - Stefan Fiedler   (4-3-004)
HEP (until 12:45) (4-3-004)
09:00 Interactions of particles and fields - Rob Veenhof (Uludag University (TR))   (4-3-004)
09:40 Particle tracking in HEP - Michael Moll (CERN)   (4-3-004)
10:10 Scintillation + Photodetection - Chiara Casella (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   (4-3-004)
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:10 Calorimetry - Martin Aleksa (CERN)   (4-3-004)
11:40 Particle ID - Roger Forty (CERN)   (4-3-004)
12:10 Detector systems - Werner Riegler (CERN)   (4-3-004)
Neutron (until 10:30) (4-3-004)
09:00 Introduction to neutron gas detectors for scattering science - Bruno Guerard (ILL)   (4-3-004)
09:45 Neutron optics - Pierre Courtois   (4-3-004)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Astronomy (until 12:30) (4-3-004)
11:00 Instrumentation for Large Groundbased Astronomical Telescopes - Ulli Kaeufl   (4-3-004)
11:45 Instrumentation techniques to detect extra-solar planets with ground based telescopes - Reinhold DORN   (4-3-004)
Synch. Radiation (until 10:30) (4-3-004)
09:00 Intro to X-ray Optics - Ray Barrett (E)   (4-3-004)
09:45 X-ray Detectors for Synchrotrons - John Morse   (4-3-004)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Poster Session II (until 11:45) (4-3-004)
Poster Session III (until 13:00) (4-3-004)
Fusion (until 10:30) (4-3-004)
09:00 Neutron measurements on JET: techniques detetectors and calibrations - Brian SYME   (4-3-004)
09:45 Surface analysis techniques and technologies for the study of plasma wall interactions - Nicolas BEKRIS   (4-3-004)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Common (until 17:45) (4-3-004)
11:00 Front-end electronics - Patrick Van Esch   (4-3-004)
11:45 Instrument control at a synchrotron beamline - Stefan Fiedler   (4-3-004)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 DAQ - Rainer Schwemmer (CERN)   (4-3-004)
14:15 Geant 4 - Witold Pokorski (CERN)   (4-3-004)
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Simulation of neutron instrumentation - Emmanuel Farhi (ILL)   (4-3-004)
16:15 Grid computing - Dr Markus Schulz (CERN)   (4-3-004)
16:50 Computer Security - Dr Stefan Lueders (CERN)   (4-3-004)
17:15 --- Welcome Reception ---
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Space (until 15:30) (4-3-004)
14:00 Instrumentation for space astronomy - David LUMB   (4-3-004)
14:45 Instrumentation for planetary exploration - David Lumb (E)   (4-3-004)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Synch. Radiation (until 17:20) (4-3-004)
15:50 Sample delivery methods for biology experiments at XFELs - Joachim Schulz   (4-3-004)
16:20 Synchrotron Instrumentation for structural biology - Andrew McCarthy   (4-3-004)
16:50 Studying matter under extreme temperature, pressure or field conditions using intense, ultrafast x-ray pulses - Thomas Tschentscher   (4-3-004)
Poster Session I (until 18:30) (4-3-004)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Industry (until 18:30) (4-3-004)
13:30 Introduction Technology Transfer - Enrico Chesta (CERN)   (4-3-004)
13:50 Industrialization aspects of scientific instrumentation - Example of a spin-off from CERN - Prof. Erich Griesmayer (Cividec)   (4-3-004)
14:25 Digital SiPM - Thomas Frach (Philips)   (4-3-004)
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Commercialization of the Alibava system - Manuel Lozano Fantoba (Universidad de Valencia (ES))   (4-3-004)
15:50 Development Process of CMOS Readout ASICs for Single-Photon Counting X-Ray Detectors - Teddy Loeliger   (4-3-004)
16:25 From innovation to product – the challenge of disruptive technologies - Dr York Haemisch (Philips Technologie GmbH)   (4-3-004)
17:00 Podium discussion with industrial speakers - Enrico Chesta (CERN)   (4-3-004)
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Site visits (until 17:00) (4-3-004)
14:00 Antimatter Experiments   (4-3-004)
14:00 ATLAS experiment   (4-3-004)
14:00 COMPASS Experiment   (4-3-004)
14:00 LHCb Experiment   (4-3-004)
19:00 --- Social Dinner ---