13–14 Nov 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone

Goals & Metrics for Data Taking Readiness "Challenge"

14 Nov 2008, 11:15
IT Auditorium (CERN)

IT Auditorium





  • Service validation if software is changed/upgraded
  • Specific tests (e.g. throughput) to ensure that no problems have been introduced
  • Tests of functions not yet tested (e.g. Reprocessing/data recall at Tier 1s)

  • “Simulated” downtime of 1-3 Tier1s for up to – or exceeding – 5 days (window?) to understand how system handles export including recall from tape
  • Scheduled(?) recovery from power-outages
  • Extensive concurrent batch load – do shares match expectations?
  • Extensive overlapping “functional blocks” – concurrent production & analysis activities
  • Reprocessing and analysis use cases (Tier1 & Tier2) and conditions "DB" load - validation of current deployment(s)
  • Tape rates - can sites support concurrent tape rates needed by all VOs it supports concurrently?

  • Oracle 11g release 2

Presentation materials