WLCG multicore TF meeting

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Please, connect remotely from your offices
Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester), Antonio Perez-Calero Yzquierdo (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
Meeting minutes will be found on the twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/DeployMultiCore
    • 14:30 14:50
      CMS multicore jobs at KIT 20m
      Speaker: Manfred Alef (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
    • 14:50 15:10
      CMS multicore jobs at PIC 20m
      Speaker: Carlos Acosta Silva (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
    • 15:10 15:30
      CMS multicore jobs at RAL 20m
      Speaker: Andrew David Lahiff (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))